[Slackbuilds-users] MPlayer.SlackBuild

Eric Hameleers alien at slackbuilds.org
Fri Feb 23 19:12:34 UTC 2007

Niki Kovacs wrote:
> Robby Workman a écrit :
>>First, I don't know what happened to the plastik and Quicksilver
>>tarballs - they *were* hosted on SBo, but they disappeared at some
>>point for whatever reason.  Unfortunately, I don't have them anywhere
>>locally (I might at home though), so I can't restore them.
>>I'm currently working on a rewrite of that script, and I'm almost
>>done, I think.  The fonts package doesn't seem to be necessary any
>>more, so it's gone, and the MPlayer website lists "Blue" as the
>>default skin, so that's the one I'm using.
> 's OK, I took them from mplayerhq.hu. I chose new-age, very sober and 
> clean. But then, like we say in my native Austria, you don't argue about 
> taste.
> Two suggestions for the rebuild.
> 1) add the --langue=en,fr,it, ... option to ./configure... so people can 
> choose their language. Or you might put a variable into it. (That's what 
> I did for some of your scripts like OO.org, because I use french on my 
> system...)
> 2) add --enable-menu likewise. It never hurts, and I find myself using 
> the OSD display while watching a movie quite often.

Look at how
handles the langages, as well as adding a TTF font for the OSD.
As for the menu, I recall that for that to work, you have to have have
libdvdnav installed, I tried it but as a menu system it sucks. MPlayer
was never designed for a menu overlay and it will probably not get better.

Cheers, Eric

Eric Hameleers
Email: alien at slackware.com
Jabber: alien at jabber.xs4all.nl
Gpg fingerprint: F2CE 1B92 EE1F 2C0C E97E  581E 5E56 AAAF A75C BDA0

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