[Slackbuilds-users] Orphaned slackbuilds

Frank Caraballo fecaraballo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 19:26:50 UTC 2007

Michael Wagner wrote:
> Frank Caraballo wrote:
>> I agree that scripts should only be updated when a new version will not 
>> compile without tweaks. The maintainer shouldn't have to submit a 
>> updated script if a simple version change is all that is required 
>> (unless they decide too). I do think, however, that for a major Slack 
>> version that more time should be spent making sure quality is up to snuff.
> Freezing the repository until a new Slackware version comes out, is 
> probably a good approach to reduces everyone's workload. I am not 
> referring to reject new submissions, but to keep versions that are known 
> to work properly and are thoroughly tested unless they pose a security 
> risk. As this is the way stable Slackware versions go, we should be 
> pleased with it.
>> It was very noticeable, to me anyways, that the quality of scripts was 
>> down because of the push to have everything ready for 12.0. I personally 
>> spent a lot of time updating and testing my scripts only to have someone 
>> else submit an update simply because '12.0 was coming out soon'. Many of 
>> these updated scripts had small errors. 
> You are hopefully not referring to libgphoto2, as I have made a few 
> changes to it simply because I have been asked to do so.
>> IMHO, the authors ARE the maintainers of the script unless they 
>> specifically ask not to be (or if the SBo team feels like they can tweak 
>> the heck out of a script and get it all automated or some such thing). 
>> Once they ask not to be (as Michael did) is when there should be a 
>> maintainer added to the script.
> A quote from backports.org would straighten that out and emphasize the 
> submitters responsibility:
> "Please note, that you are responsible for this backport from the time 
> on when it was accepted on backports.org. This means, you have to keep 
> track of the changes in unstable, update your backport when a new 
> version enters testing and provide security updates when needed. If you 
> are not willing or capable of doing this, you better ask someone else 
> (e.g. on the mentioned mailinglist) to create and maintain the backport."
> Greetings,
> Michael
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I was not referring to libgphoto2. I did exactly what Michael was asking 
with both libgphoto2 and gphoto2 as the SBo team wished to go in a 
different direction with those scripts that I personally felt wasn't 
necessary. The quality of those scripts still remain very good :D


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