[Slackbuilds-users] pcsc-lite

LukenShiro lukenshiro at ngi.it
Fri Mar 7 10:20:28 EST 2008

venerdì 7 marzo 2008, Robby Workman ha scritto:
> > For some onforeseeable reasons, the package scripts for pcsc-lite
> > on slackbuilds.org seem to be published in incorrect (that is:
> > previous) version.
> > So I've just resubmitted the package (as a second build).
> I don't understand.  What exactly is not correct?
> It shows version 1.4.99 in the db and in the build script, and that's
> the version I tested and built, and that's the version you submitted
> (both times).  Am I missing something obvious?

Sorry, Robby, but in
http://slackbuilds.org/repository/12.0/system/pcsc-lite/ -  "individual 
files" pcsc-lite.SlackBuild is old one (version 1.4.4, error in .pid 
Instead in pcsc-lite.tar.gz it seems to be the correct one (version 

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