[Slackbuilds-users] Sbopkg 0.20.0 Released

Chess Griffin chess at chessgriffin.com
Wed Jan 7 01:29:31 UTC 2009

* Xavier Maillard <xma at gnu.org> [2009-01-07 00:26:19]:

> Hi,
> Chess Griffin <chess at chessgriffin.com> writes:
> > (2) the ability to have a $HOME/.sbopkg.conf which
> > will override variables set in the regular sbopkg.conf file.  Coupled
> > with this last point is when a user changes the Slackware version in
> > the dialog interface (i.e. selecting Slackware 12.1) that can now
> > optionally be saved to the $HOME/.sbopkg.conf so that it will be
> > picked up the next time sbopkg is run.
> Maybe I am dumb but I do not see why one would need this feature.
> Given the fact running SBo slackbuilds should be done as root,
> why not just modify /etc/sbopkg.conf ?

It's been requested by more than one person.  I agree that's it's
simple enough to edit the main sbopkg.conf but I guess there are a few
folks building packages for 12.1 and 12.2 and want to be able to
switch back and forth easily without having to constantly edit
sbopkg.conf.  I doubt most will need to use this feature, IMHO,
although it's possible that adding this will allow future
configuration of other options from within the dialog interface.

Chess Griffin
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