[Slackbuilds-users] Maintenance of orphans

Matthew Fillpot mfilpot at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 16:30:26 UTC 2010

Hba, changing the maintainers name to orphaned does sound like a simpler
solution since most of us keep local mirrors. I like your recommendations
and eagerly await some input from the admins.

- sent from my nexus one
On Nov 15, 2010 10:45 AM, "Antonio Hernández Blas" <hba.nihilismus at gmail.com>
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 8:32 AM, King Beowulf <kingbeowulf at gmail.com>
>> An orphan list on SBo would be grand; maybe a transfer of maintainer
>> section as well. A form where people can add to a wish list might also
>> be helpful.
>> On 11/14/10, Matthew Fillpot <mfilpot at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> With the recent rash of maintainers giving up their builds, I would
>>> like to request for the3 admins to add a list on the website of
>>> orphaned slackbuild scripts. This will make it easier for current and
>>> potential maintainers to view a complete list of available builds that
>>> need to switch hands.
>>> I currently have a list of all orphaned builds that were announced in
>>> the last month and would gladly pass it onto the site to start the
>>> list.
>>> In addition would it be possible to add a section to the site were
>>> people can request for builds to be made of known apps, so the
>>> maintainers can also review that list for future projects?
>>> --
>>> -Thank You,
>>> -Matthew Fillpot
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>> --
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> You! What PLANET is this!
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> IMHO theres no need for an "orphaned slackbuild scripts list", with a
> "simple solution" as the creation of another mail list (maybe
> SlackBuilds-maintainers), so any maintainer that want to drop out the
> maintainership of his/her slackbuild should send a message indicating
> which slackbuild would be orphaned but also send an update to reflect
> this, in *.info file should be 'MAINTAINER="ORPHAN"' and
> 'EMAIL=ORPHANED"'. The Subject of the email would be "[MAINTAINERSHIP]
> SECTION/PKGNAM", for example "[MAINTAINERSHIP] system/qemu-kvm"... i
> hope there´s nobody who uses "orphaned" as its nickname :)
> The same situation arise when someone want to maintain an orphaned
> slackbuild, responds to the mail of the original maintainer indicating
> that he/she want to take care of the slackbuild and also should send
> an update with the *.info file updated with his/her own data in
> About the "request for builds", you can use this same mail list, but
> with a Subject to something like "[REQUEST] PKGNAM HOMEPAGE", for
> example "[REQUEST] libmodplug modplug-xmms.sourceforge.net". There´s a
> chance that someone else already has the SlackBuild, but maybe it need
> more testing... i don´t know.
> Sure, i know that you could just use this same mail list for
> maintainer and users (after all its just the Subject what change), but
> i thing its better organized our communication in this way.
> In few words, there´s a lack of communication in this community....
> --
> - hba
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