[Slackbuilds-users] Branch naming

Matteo Bernardini matteo.bernardini at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 09:36:44 UTC 2012

2012/9/26 Mikko Värri <vmj at linuxbox.fi>:
> Actually, do you guys prefer that the git branches are always named distinctively?
> This far, I've always named them after PRGNAM, and then deleted the branchs when it has been picked to master, and later I've reused the name.  Some might say that is equivalent to rebasing a public branch (which is a no-no).

I do like this too and I rebase the resulting branches on master
(normally it's easy when the involve a single slackbuild and are made
by a single commit), it seems to me the cleaner approach.

You can merge them all in a single branch later, if needed, with "git
cherry-pick $commit", where $commit is the commit hash of the
single-commit branch.


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