[Slackbuilds-users] The latest jdk on slackbuilds.org (JB)

JB yochanon at lavabit.com
Tue Apr 16 13:14:35 UTC 2013

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 08:47:30 -0400
Thomas Ronayne <ronayne.thomas at gmail.com> wrote:

> The Java Plug-in should not be activated unless you absolutely, 
> positively, must have it for some particular use. See National Cyber 
> Awareness System TA13-064A: Oracle Java Contains Multiple 
> Vulnerabilities 
> <http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/us-cert-alert-ta13-064a-oracle-java-contains-multiple-vulnerabilities-4175453097/#post4906620>.

  Up through update 15. The latest is update 17

> In Firefox or SeaMonkey, you can enable/disable the Java Plug-in at 
> Tools, Add-ons, Plugins then click the Enable/Disable button.

  Since the new build says that it isn't enabled automatically anymore in mozilla,
  it isn't even there in the plugins to enable or disable.

  I want to know how to make it be there at all, like it used to be, so I *can*
  enable or disable it as I wish/need.

  I downloaded the jdk from slackbuilds.org (jdk7u17) and built it and did an
  'upgradepkg'. Now I don't see 'java' anything in the tools/add-ons tabs anywhere.

"The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys
who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! It's true-they were
white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln's name opposing slavery in
the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is "Hispanic Pride" or
"Black Pride" a good thing, while "White Pride" conjures shaven heads and white
hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress,
while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and
ridicule? I’ll tell you why: Cultural warfare!"  -Charlton Heston

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