[Slackbuilds-users] lists.slackbuilds.org hardware problem

Rob McGee rob0 at slackbuilds.org
Fri Jun 21 05:10:56 UTC 2013

Harrier.slackbuilds.org a/k/a lists.slackbuilds.org, your humble list 
host, is having hardware problems: looks like two (count-'em! two!) 
hard drives are pinin' for the fjords.

We're not sure what we'll have to do nor when we'll be able to do it, 
but we'll try to keep you posted in IRC. The mailing list (as well as 
all @slackbuilds.org addresses) might be down for 1-3 days.

I expect it to be closer to the 1 than the 3, but you know how that 
goes. We should be able to get to Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow if 

Note: this is NOT a solicitation for donations, but it's as good a 
time as any to thank you all again for your response to the 2011 
request. Yes, this is that machine that was built with your 
donations. Go figure.
    Rob McGee - /dev/rob0 - rob0 at slackbuilds.org

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