[Slackbuilds-users] Version choice for Libre Office

Niki Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Fri Aug 22 05:41:27 UTC 2014


I have a slight suggestion to make for Libre Office. Starting with Libre 
Office 4.1.x, I've started installing it for my clients (after using 
Apache Open Office). I have some power users among them, e. g. folks who 
use the more advanced functionalities of an office suite. So I know 
sooner or later if the software runs well or if there are some 
showstopping bugs.

My experience with Libre Office is that it's a good idea to aim for 
later minor versions of a stable branch. For example, while Libre Office 
4.2.x was in its early stages, I stayed with 4.1.6. Then, while 4.3.x 
was in the making, I moved to 4.2.6. And so on. This way you end up with 
a quite polished and bug-free Libre Office.

Maybe slackbuilds.org can adopt a similar policy? Thinking of it: I 
apply a similar policy to VirtualBox.



PS: back after an Ubuntu-only summer. Feels good.
Microlinux - Solutions informatiques 100% Linux et logiciels libres
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