[Slackbuilds-users] Virtualization and package building

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Wed Dec 2 21:58:57 UTC 2015

>On 02/12/15 21:04, David Woodfall wrote:
>>>On 02/12/15 19:57, David Woodfall wrote:
>>>>>I have to build packages for Slackware 14.0 and 14.1 as well as the
>>>>>upcoming 14.2, for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture and different
>>>>>scenarios: server vs. desktop.
>>>>>Until april 2015 I built everything in a series of VirtualBox guests on
>>>>>my main workstation, which worked quite well most of the time. I
>>>>>remember having had trouble with one or two packages, but don't recall
>>>>>exactly which one.
>>>>>Since this date I've setup a dedicated package build host on a rather
>>>>>modest hardware (AMD dual core processor, meh), and with a quite
>>>>>bone-headed setup. No virtualization here, only a good old multiboot
>>>>>with a hard disk partitioned to death: 15 partitions with a shared swap
>>>>>and a maximum of 14 different systems, currently 8 in use. I reckon
>>>>>is a rather unusual way of doing things, but 1) KISS 2) works
>>>>>Last week I bought a thick book about Linux & Virtualization, and
>>>>>diving head first into all this stuff, I have a general question out of
>>>>>curiosity. I guess most of you build your stuff in virtual guests
>>>>>(correct me if I'm wrong). What kind of virtualization do you use for
>>>>>this? KVM + qemu seems to be great for servers, but is it apt for
>>>>>setting up a desktop stuff and building graphical applications
>>>>>VLC, whatever)?
>>>>>I think I'll read the book differently if I already have a vague sense
>>>>>of where I'm heading.
>>>>I use chroots - a 64bit for pretty much everything, but I also have a
>>>>32bit chroot for building wine in. It's faster than booting a VM.
>>>Can you write a bit more on how you do this?
>>>Or give an reference?
>>I use this 'mkchroot' script, after mounting the Slackware DVD, to
>>install into the chroot:
>>set -e
>>SERIES="a ap d f k kde l n t tcl x xap y"
>>cd $CDPATH
>>for i in $SERIES
>>    echo "${bgreen}Installing series $i${normal}"
>>    upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new -root $CHPATH $i/*.t?z
>>mkdir -p $CHROOT/proc
>>mkdir -p $CHROOT/dev
>>mkdir -p $CHROOT/sys
>>mkdir -p $CHROOT/tmp
>>I use this script 'cht' to use log in:
>>if [ ! -r "$CHROOT" ]; then
>>    exit 1
>># These are now mounted in /etc/fstab
>>#mount -o bind /proc $CHROOT/proc
>>#mount -o bind /dev $CHROOT/dev
>>#mount -o bind /sys $CHROOT/sys
>>#mount -o bind /tmp $CHROOT/tmp
>>cp /etc/resolv.conf $CHROOT/etc
>>cp /home/david/.Xauthority $CHROOT/root
>>chroot $CHROOT /bin/zsh
>>My /etc/fstab entries:
>>/proc  /home/chroots/slackware64/proc auto rw,bind,noatime 0 0
>>/dev   /home/chroots/slackware64/dev auto rw,bind,noatime 0 0
>>/sys   /home/chroots/slackware64/sys auto rw,bind,noatime 0 0
>>/tmp   /home/chroots/slackware64/tmp auto rw,bind,noatime 0 0
>>/tmp is shared between guest and host so I can move files/packages in
>>and out easier.
>>Hope this help.
>Yes, it helps a lot:)
>Bonus questions:
>How do you do 32-bit chroot on 64-bit system?
>Is it the same as for 64-bit one?
>Are there any gotchas to be aware of?
>I hope I don't eat too much time of yours;)

There is no real difference between the 32 and 64bit version. No
patches that I'm aware of or have ever needed. I find it useful for
building 32bit packages on a multilib host too.

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