[Slackbuilds-users] SlackBuilds-users Digest, Vol 106, Issue 2

Aaditya Bagga aaditya_gnulinux at zoho.com
Wed Feb 4 05:44:18 UTC 2015

>/  I can also take up transmission if David does not mind, or maybe he could
/>/  implement an option in the SlackBuild for allowing not to install the Qt
/>/  part of the client on GTK systems (a QT=no flag).
For that matter, how about a GTK=no flag? There are a couple of us
only using the Qt client (for one thing, the GTK one misbehaves under


Sure, why not.

B Watson, would you like to maintain transmission and add these flags.

If so, you can go ahead :)


My messages may look strange as I am posting by copying from the Slackbuild-users web archive.

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