[Slackbuilds-users] Wallpaper directories

Niki Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Thu Feb 5 08:57:12 UTC 2015


Now that my MLED desktop is running nicely, I've decided to share some 
of my original SlackBuild scripts with SlackBuilds.org. I have a few 
questions on packaging details. First things first.

The Elementary OS distribution has a very nice set of wallpapers. I've 
packaged these specifically for my Xfce-based desktop 
But I guess folks who build the package from an SBo package will be 
running all kinds of different desktop environments.

Here's the various wallpaper locations I've identified so far:

	* /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops
	* /usr/share/backgrounds
	* /usr/share/wallpapers

Each desktop environment (Xfce, KDE, MATE, ...) has his own "default" 
wallpaper place, meaning the collection of wallpapers display nicely in 
a preview window when installed there.

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that the best solution would be to

1. Install all wallpapers to, say, /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops.

2. Create symlinks to /usr/share/backgrounds and /usr/share/wallpapers.

Any suggestions?


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