[Slackbuilds-users] i3wm and others

Franzen slackbuilds at schoepfer.info
Sat Mar 26 13:35:41 UTC 2016

Hi Marcin,

> Unfortunately, being more and more busy with work and other projects,
> I have less and less time on maintaining i3-related SlackBuilds. It's
> still a wm of my choice but think someone else will give it more love
> that I'm able to at the moment.
> All five should ideally be taken by 1 person as all of them are needed 
> by i3wm.
> i3
> yajl
> i3status
> perl-AnyEvent-I3
> perl-AnyEvent

I'm using i3, and could maintain i3, yail and i3status.
The perl-packages aren't mentioned anywhere on i3wm.org, and i don't 
know/use them. Do you use them, or are they just there for completeness?


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