[Slackbuilds-users] clamav

Helmut Hullen Hullen at t-online.de
Thu May 19 19:33:00 UTC 2016

Hallo, Greg',

Du meintest am 19.05.16:

> not sure why these changes should be done. using the current
> SlackBuild clamscan is compiled against libpcre without the need for
> additional configure flag. It is on the other hand not compiled
> against libssh2 but looking at the output of configure, it doesn't
> try to either.

> There must be something weird on your system for it not to detect
> your installed pcre.

It had detected "pcre" only with the option "--enable-pcre". Not as  

> Can you specify why you think there is an issue
> with libssh2 (although that is not something that the clamav
> slackbuild could do anyway as it is not going to change system files
> to allow building).

Quite simple: without the symlink "/usr/lib/libssh2.so" compilation  
stopped with the error message that no such "file" was found.

Viele Gruesse!

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