[Slackbuilds-users] ffmpeg and tetex
slackbuilds at schoepfer.info
Sat Nov 5 06:12:07 UTC 2016
> Could not find texi2html! Please make sure to have tetex or texlive
> installed and that texi2html is in PATH.
In the terminal you build in:
source /etc/profile.de/tetex.sh
It seems you installed tetex, but didn't login again or reboot. That
would have fixed your issue also.
The ffmpeg-version from SBo is able to build the documentations with
help of texinfo package(stock package), which in that case actually
doesn't need tetex/texlive at all.
The warning comes from the ffmpeg.SlackbBuild(not from ffmpeg
./configure) and may need to be fxied, that was discussed some time
agao, Heinz said that's on his todo-queue.
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