[Slackbuilds-users] fmodapi access upstream

B Watson yalhcru at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 02:31:01 UTC 2016

On 9/7/16, Doogster <thedoogster at gmail.com> wrote:
> IIRC, the segfaults happened with regular DOOM. A reliable way to trigger
> them was to set the sound backend to FMOD and FMOD's backend to Pulseaudio,
> restart the sound system (that's a menu option), then start a game.

So what I've done is create a gzdoom.SlackBuild that will include its own
private copy of fmodapi, if it finds one in $CWD. This works whether or
not there's a system-wide install of fmodapi, and doesn't conflict with
the regular fmodapi package if it's installed.

Not pushing this to git until it's been tested more, but you can grab
it from here:


To use, extract that tarball, download or copy the gzdoom source to its
dir as usual, then download one of ponce's fmodapi tarballs into the same
dir, one of:


These 2 tarballs contain both 32-bit and 64-bit shared libs. Older
versions of fmodapi where there were 2 separate downloads *won't* work
with this (yet?)

After you build and install gzdoom, try this:

$ ldd /usr/games/gzdoom | grep fmod
libfmodex64.so => /usr/lib64/gzdoom/libfmodex64.so (0x00002b12ad9d4000)

...for 32-bit it'll be /usr/lib/gzdoom/libfmodex.so instead. Though I
haven't actually tested it on 32-bit yet (please let me know if there
are any problems!)

If you still get segfaults when using the fmod ex sound engine in
gzdoom using this build with both versions of fmodapi listed above,
then I don't know what to tell you. Saying "it works for me" isn't very
helpful, but it does work for me so I can't tell if anything I do might
fix the problem for you.

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