[Slackbuilds-users] Updates - 20170408.1

Erik Hanson erik at slackbuilds.org
Mon Apr 10 16:50:22 UTC 2017

On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 18:12:11 +0300
Ekin Akoglu <ekinakoglu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Willy and all,
> Thanks for the updates. However, I have one issue to raise.
> The updates and fixes to the packages should go through the
> maintainer. In other words, if there is a bug/issue reported for a
> slackbuild which is not sent to this mailing list but is mentioned in
> some other platforms (LQ in this case), I believe it should first be
> brought to the attention of the maintainer so that she has the option
> to fix it or, if someone else would fix it, at least she would be
> informed about this. I think this is the proper way.

This is already the policy for bug reports, version bump requests, etc.
I think in the case of minor fixes, such as to tuxguitar, the fix can
be pushed by an admin without waiting for a reply from the maintainer,
but I agree, you should have been contacted directly. First by the
person reporting the bug, or later by the admin after applying the fix
in git. LQ is not a place where we take bug reports, since not everyone
reads those forums (I don't read them myself), hopefully admins who
do will be more diligent in contacting maintainers in the future.

I have updated our bug reports page to clarify the process.


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