[Slackbuilds-users] Scilab-6.0.0 fails to start in XFCE in Slackware Current. Any solutions?

King Beowulf kingbeowulf at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 06:18:23 UTC 2017

On 08/12/2017 09:10 PM, Ananda Murthy R S wrote:
> Hello,
> Even in KDE, only runscilab script works and not any .desktop file.
> Any solutions?
> Thanks for your help.
> Anand
> -- 

1. Slackbuilds.org only supports Stable and NOT current.

2.  That said, same issue on stable (14.2).  I just took over
maintainership and didn't think to check the desktop files.

The binaries are in /opt/scilab which gets added to the $PATH when you
install as root but does not exist if then run as a normal user.  you
can set the path in ~./bashrc but then the /opt/scilab/lib are missed
when running from the .desktop in any DE.

Short term fix:
Edit each scilab*.desktop to explicitly use the full path. For example,

Exec=/opt/scilab/bin/scilab -f

Just putting /opt/scilab in $PATH won't work for the DE, but will work
for the terminal.  Also, to get the icons to show up, run as root

/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor

You may also want to add "Education" to categories for Xfce.


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