[Slackbuilds-users] possible submission

B Watson yalhcru at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 07:57:59 UTC 2017

On 6/23/17, Sebastien BALLET <slacker6896 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Otherwise, there are zulu-openjdk7/8 slackbuilds to repackage the Azul's
> Zulu build of OpenJDK 7/8.
> https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/development/zulu-openjdk7/
> https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/development/zulu-openjdk8/
> http://zulu.org/

Hm. I didn't know those were even there. So basically what I was asking
about already exists (since June 8 of this year)... but only for x86_64.

I still might do a 32-bit-only openjdk-bin build. Or call it
"openjdk-bootstrap", make it the bare minimum needed to build the real
openjdk. If it's even possible to pare it down any, I mean.

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