[Slackbuilds-users] conky doesn't build LONGER

Roy Lanek roy.lanek at yandex.com
Sun Nov 19 19:13:45 UTC 2017

> "Okay, fatto" might be misunderstood by some anglophiles here -
> especially us obese Americans

HAHAHA, true, didn't think at that.

I have relatives who have migrated to the US generations ago,
from Switzerland, married there with Italians who went to the US
also, became Americans, and live in California since: San
Francisco, Salinas, Soledad, Monterey.

In San Francisco, looking at the sea once, I remember--was
eighteen years old--to have said, look... *foche* (= Italian x
seals, 1x seal = foca) for in Switzerland we do look at the seals
at the zoo or at he circus only.

There were other people present, looking at the sea, so they
remembered me to better keep my mouth shut :^)

555555555555555555555555555555555   bagai air di daun talas--as if water on a
55555 . 5 l 4 c K W 4 r 3  555555   leaf of talas [two things that never get
55555 +------------ L1NuX  555555   along ... talas has a thin waxy layer and
555555555555555555555555555555555   therefore is waterproof]
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