[Slackbuilds-users] Error building KeepassXC 2.3.1

Maykon Chagas mchagas at riseup.net
Tue Apr 3 13:42:11 UTC 2018


JFY if the maintainer of KeepassXC is reading this list, when I try to
build KeepassXC 2.3.1 there is two error, MD5SUM and an unexpected EOF

MD5SUM inconsistency

| MD5SUM check for keepassxc-2.3.1-src.tar.xz [ FAILED ]


| Expected: 639ed150436d09eee17af6b86fd33f2c

| Found: 3c7cb402bdbd65151cab6d4056dee424


tar EOF error:

xz: (stdin): Unexpected end of input
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Total build time for package keepassxc : 15.73 Sec

Thank you,

Maykon Chagas

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