[Slackbuilds-users] Strange issue with graphviz-2.40.1

Matteo Bernardini matteo.bernardini at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 16:13:11 UTC 2018

Il giorno mer 19 dic 2018 alle ore 17:05 Rich Shepard
<rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> ha scritto:
>    I tried viewing a graphviz .dot file and was told the application was not
> found. It is installed:
> $ ls /var/log/packages/ | grep graphviz
> graphviz-2.40.1-i586-1_SBo
>    So, I rebuilt and re-installed it but it's still not found. Here's what
> are found:
> # find / -name graphviz
> /etc/file/magic/graphviz
> /etc/asciidoc/filters/graphviz
> /var/lib/sbopkg/SBo/14.2/graphics/graphviz
> /var/cache/packages/SLACKPKGPLUS_slacky/graphic/graphviz
> /opt/slackbuilds/Graphics/graphviz
> /usr/include/graphviz
> /usr/lib/graphviz
> /usr/lib/graphviz/java/org/graphviz
> /usr/lib/tcl8.6/graphviz
> /usr/share/graphviz
> /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphviz
>    Why might there be no executable in /usr/bin/? How do I find the source of
> this issue?

there's no graphviz executable in the graphviz package...
what does the following command outputs on your system?

grep ^usr\/bin\/ /var/log/packages/graphviz*


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