[Slackbuilds-users] Repology a public emailaddress repository; SlackBuilds-users Digest, Vol 147, Issue 3

David Spencer idlemoor at slackbuilds.org
Mon Jul 2 23:21:20 UTC 2018

> Sure, but as long as the messages eventually come across the maillist, it will
> be a message received.

Reallocations don't always go via the mailing list.

Additionally, the admins have at least 2 use cases for that: "Ed,
there's a problem with your submission", and "Ed, would you like to join
the elite family of git committers?"

Most important, end users need a point of contact. Even if they used a
webform to initiate contact, it would just send an email.

> And I'm not married to my SlackBuilds, if someone
> can do a better job and wants them they need but ask.

How, when you're not reading at your published address?

Not reading email is way out of proportion from the stated problem of
spam. We need a common channel of communication that works. It's not a
big request. This is really the only prerequisite of being a maintainer.

It's your right not to read email, and it's your right to exclude
yourself by insisting on that, but SBo is better with you than without
you :)


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