[Slackbuilds-users] qt5 is sorely in need of an update

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Sat Jul 7 07:15:07 UTC 2018

On Friday 6 July 2018 22:04,
orbea at fredslev.dk <orbea at fredslev.dk> put forth the proposition:
> > Sorry, I forgot to upload the qt5 5.9.2 SlackBuild and .info. Done.
> I went to test before you noticed this and found your Qt-5.10.1 script
> instead. After many cryptic build failures I was informed that gentoo
> never unmasked 5.10 and now considers 5.11 to be stable. So I tried
> your script to build 5.11 and it worked on the first try with just
> changing the version number.

I built 5.11 a while back and at that time the riverbank guy only had
-dev versions of sip and PyQt5. I'll have to catch up with that and
build a proper 5.11 version.

> I next updated your python2-sip to 4.19.11 as required by PyQt5-5.11.2.
> I wasn't able to quickly figure out how to make PyQt5 happy with a
> private sip so I applied the attached debian patch to build with a
> public sip, but there might be a better way to do that for someone with
> more patience to figure it out.

Thanks for the patch.

> Lastly I found that they broke INSTALL_ROOT and again, I didn't dwell
> on it long and worked around it with this sed before make since it
> seemed to be not that important...
> sed -i '/mk_distinfo.py/d' Makefile
> Other than that, everything on my system that requires Qt5 builds and
> seems to work fine with the exception of solarus-quest-editor which
> suffers build errors with the newer Qt5. However their git master is
> fixed and I seem to have backported the fix successfully. I plan to
> apply it to the SlackBuild if further testing doesn't reveal more
> issues.
> The single program I have that uses PyQt5, m64py, the lackluster gui
> front end to the standalone version of mupen64plus also seems to work as
> well as it did before. However I build this with my own script based on
> the git master since the stable versions are hopelessly outdated.
> Lastly my rpcs3 (PS3 emulator) script which I also build from their git
> master hasn't worked for a long time since they started requiring at
> least Qt 5.10. With the newer version it now builds again.
> I tested this on current and will try again with 14.2 tomorrow, but
> personally I would prefer 5.11 over 5.9 and would suggest skipping 5.10.

I already had a build script for 5.10.1 so it wasn't really going out
of my way. I don't know if the gentoo guys have fixed this, but I had
to disable gstreamer support to get anything 5.10+ to build, but I'm
guessing gentoo has a newer version.

Personally, I'll keep updating just to stay up-to-date with the
latest qtwebengine code/fixes for qutebrowser to improve.

The one thing that worries me the most is that sip may need to be
included as a module in other python apps, and of course I've changed
the name of it to not mess with the stock sip. Therefore anyone
building anything based on that module will need to do some renaming.

I really don't know of anything else using it though, and PyQt5 was
happy with just the binary path/name and the include dir.


Shoot me again.
Just proving that the quickest way to solve the problem is to post a
whine to the newsgroups: within moments the solution presents itself to
me, and meanwhile my ass is hanging out on the Net... *sigh*...
  -- Dave Phillips, dlphilp at bright.net, about problem solving via news

                                                            .--.  oo

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