[Slackbuilds-users] Updates - 20180519.1 (geoclue2)

Aaditya Bagga aaditya_gnulinux at zoho.com
Sun May 20 04:53:50 UTC 2018

 >>> I can reproduce the problem on 14.2
 >>> I think the confusion is that mm-glib and glibmm are 2 different
 >>> things. mm-glib is from modem-manager, whereas glibmm is the C++ API
 >>> for GLIB (which geoclue2 is not using).
 >>> One can disable the modem-manager dependency and make it compile fine
 >>> on 14.2 by add the configure flags:
 >>> --disable-modem-gps-source --disable-3g-source --disable-cdma-source
 >>> Hope this helps
 >> It does, yes, thanks Greg.? *However* I think removing modem-manager
 >> support would potentially be a regression for some people.
 >> I'm going to revert to geoclue2 2.4.7 until Aaditya can look at it.
 >> We don't always need the newest version of everything
 > Hi all
 > I was the one asking Aaditya to make avahi as optional dep instead of
 > mandatory dep for geoclue2, but i didn't know that he was going to
 > update the script to newer version which only works in -current.
 > David (idlemoor) has fixed the version in his branch and will be merged
 > to master soon.
 > --
 > Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

Thanks guys David and Willy for the revert, indeed I am running current 
and did not check the build on 14.2.

Suggestions appreciated on how to simply setup a Slackware 14.2 system 
within a Slackware current install (docker, vagrant, virtualbox?)


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