[Slackbuilds-users] Merging python / python3 packages

Matteo Bernardini matteo.bernardini at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 08:53:06 UTC 2019

Il giorno mar 19 feb 2019 alle ore 09:39 David Demelier
<markand at malikania.fr> ha scritto:
> Le 19/02/2019 à 09:22, Matteo Bernardini a écrit :
> > there has already been some talk about it and the plan should be
> > merging the eventual two versions of the Slackbuild in a single one
> > for both python-2.x and python3-3.x when the repository will be
> > migrated to the next Slackware version, keeping things untouched in
> > the meantime to avoid confusion and issues with dependencies.
> Do you mean even in master git branch? Because I thought it was used to
> match the Slackware current version too. Do we need to wait that
> Slackware 15.0 is released to do the merge then?

also the master git branch usually tracks the latest Slackware
version: for example, ATM, is used to merge things in the 14.2 one.

only when a new Slackware version is about to be released (in the past
when release candidates version were out), submissions will close and
the master branch in our git will be used to merge fixes/adjustments
for the upcoming release.

when then next Slackware version will be released a new branch will
appear in the repository ("15.0" in this case), the http repository
will be updated, submission will reopen and maintainers will be able
to push their updates/fixes for the new release.


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