[Slackbuilds-users] Numpy/numpy3: gfortran-5.5.0 not recognized

Matteo Bernardini matteo.bernardini at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 18:47:46 UTC 2019

Il giorno mar 16 lug 2019 alle ore 19:49 Rich Shepard
<rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> ha scritto:
> On Tue, 16 Jul 2019, Matteo Bernardini wrote:
> > might be: I just tested on a fully updated slackware64-14.2 and numpy
> > built fine, either via sbopkg and manually.
> Matteo,
> I used the current .tar.gz file and the source file from the repo. Please
> suggest what I can check.
> This laptop has run Slackware up through the current 14.2 and I ran slackpkg
> yesterday to update everything. I don't recall seeing a compiler upgrade
> there.

the only clue I got is from a bug report googling the error string you
reported ("ValueError: A valid Fortran version was not found in this


that explains that the issue is related to the reporter using xsh and
suggests to use the command "unset SHELL" before building numpy, but
I'm not sure if it's related to your case.

besides this I really have no idea and I have no other suggestions,
sorry: you just have the ability to report errors that I cannot
reproduce at all so I cannot be much of help...

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