[Slackbuilds-users] crmsh not working

JCA 1.41421 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 22:47:56 UTC 2019

I installed the crmsh package into two freshly installed Slackware 14.2
systems, fully patched. According to the info file for this package, it
does not have any explicit dependencies. I nevertheless installed
pacemaker, and all of its dependencies, for that's the context in which I
am going to use crmsh.

When I try to invoke the crm executable that is distributed with crmsh,
here is what I am getting:

# crm
Fatal error:
        No module named lxml
        No module named modules

    Failed to start crmsh! This is likely due to a broken
    installation or a missing dependency.

    If you are using a packaged version of crmsh, please try
    reinstalling the package. Also check your PYTHONPATH and
    make sure that the crmsh module is reachable.

    Please file an issue describing your installation at
    https://github.com/Clusterlabs/crmsh/issues/ .

PYTHONPATH is not set in my shell, and it is not found in any file in
/etc/profile.d. I tried setting it myself with

export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/crmsh

and a few variations of the above, but it made no difference.
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