[Slackbuilds-users] incorrect md5sum python3-defusedxml

sborg63 sborg63 at disroot.org
Tue Oct 1 14:00:34 UTC 2019

Hi all,

using ponce's GIT repository:

in the SlackBuild.info for package python-defusedxml there is the
following md5sum given:

in the one for python3-defusedxml, which uses the exact same source
tarball, it is:

The former seems correct; this what I get for my download straight from
github (https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml)
d424828fbbb281412dcc733ad9eea615  /home/rob/Downloads/defusedxml-0.6.0.tar.gz

Maybe someone could correct the md5sum in info for python3-defusedxml?



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