[Slackbuilds-users] qgis configure not finding PyQt5 and python3-six

Christoph Willing chris.willing at linux.com
Wed Feb 12 05:34:44 UTC 2020

On 12/2/20 2:15 pm, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> This is one downside of just upgrading packages as updates are pushed
> out by their maintainers. Depending on the update, some might require
> rebuilding programs that depend on it.
> For a really simplistic example, if ffmepg was updated in the repo from
> v3 to v4, it is likely that all programs that depend on ffmpeg's .so
> files would require rebuilding. But many of the compilation programs
> that support SBo don't try and detect that (it can be filled with
> updates that are perfectly interchangable with their older versions) and
> will only present you ffmpeg to update and not any of the other programs
> that rely on ffmepg and need to be rebuilt.

That's the whole purpose of HooRex; it outputs a list of packages which
depend on the package of interest. The advanced search on SBo website
now does that too.

HooRex outputs its list of dependents in build order and these days I
just rebuild/reinstall them all (well, those that I'm interested in). I
don't bother wondering about which dependent packages may or may not be
affected by some update - sometimes it's obvious, sometimes not. It
seems tedious to do all that rebuilding but it's just a matter of
feeding the list to your favourite package builder. I prefer to invest
that time once a week rather than having something in the system go
haywire later on.


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