[Slackbuilds-users] More builds that need maintainers

B Watson yalhcru at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 06:10:59 UTC 2020

Here's another list, 57 builds that have no maintainers (their info file
says MAINTAINER="orphaned - no maintainer").

If anyone wants to take any of these, let me know which one(s) and the
maintainer name/email you want to use.

academic/qucs: circuit simulator
academic/sage: python based mathematics software
desktop/avant-window-navigator: Awn is a dock-like bar
desktop/awn-extras: plugins for Avant Window Navigator
desktop/faenza-xfce: xfce icon theme
desktop/neutral: a smoothed and shadowed X cursors theme
desktop/uwm: the ultimate window manager
desktop/wbar: A quick launch bar designed with speed in mind
desktop/wmii: window manager improved 2
desktop/xfce4-kbdleds-plugin: keyboard LEDs plugin for the Xfce panel
development/alloy: Alloy Analyzer
development/bigloo: Bigloo Scheme
development/gnustep-startup: GNUstep core packages
development/google-appengine-gosdk: Google Appengine Go SDK
development/google-appengine-pysdk: Google Appengine Python SDK
development/guile-json: JSON module for Guile
development/jython: python for the java platform
development/mcrl2: micro Common Representation Language 2
development/ne: Nice Editor
development/spin: Spin model checker
development/spl: the SPL Programming Language
development/src-vcs: Simple Revision Control
development/thunderpad: a simple, powerful text editor
gis/geogig-py: Python library for GeoGig
gis/geogig: Distributed version control for geospatial data
gis/geoserver-control-flow: GeoServer request rate limitation
gis/geoserver-css: CSS styling support for GeoServer
gis/geoserver-javascript: JavaScript scripting support for GeoServer
gis/geoserver-oracle: Oracle data store support for GeoServer
gis/geoserver-pyramid: pyramid data store support for GeoServer
gis/geoserver-python: Python scripting support for GeoServer
gis/geoserver-wps: WPS support for GeoServer
gis/geoserver: geospatial server
gis/mobac: Mobile Atlas Creator
gis/udig: desktop GIS
graphics/draftsight: 2D CAD program
graphics/yed: graph editor
libraries/gloox: a rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client library
libraries/jai-imageio: Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools
libraries/jai: native Java Advanced Imaging library
libraries/libdesktop-agnostic: desktop framework
libraries/lua-MessagePack: Lua bindings for MessagePack
libraries/lua-cmsgpack: Lua bindings for MessagePack
multimedia/nightingale: multimedia player
network/boxcryptor: cloud encryption service
network/glassfish: Java EE Application Server
network/licq: ICQ instant messenger
network/miredo: teredo IPv6 tunneling
office/coolreader: e-book reader
office/myrulib: e-book library manager
python/py4j: bridge between Python and Java
system/diit: Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit
system/guix: a purely functional package manager
system/komparator4: compare directories in GUI
system/microemulator: J2ME emulator
system/nvidia-legacy340-driver: Proprietary Binary Nvidia Video Driver
system/nvidia-legacy340-kernel: Kernel Interface for the nvidia driver

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