[Slackbuilds-users] Unmaintained builds - want any of these?

B Watson yalhcru at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 07:16:09 UTC 2020

On 1/4/20, Judah Milgram <milgram at cgpp.com> wrote:
> Got it - so in this case the five-year criterion means the maintainer
> hasn't checked/updated the script for 14.2 (which itself is < 5 years
> old). Makes sense.

Correction: it means the maintainer hasn't updated *anything* in 5+ years.
At least, that's what the list was intended to be. Seems like there were
things on it that shouldn't be though.

The idea was to find maintainers who have quietly stopped maintaining
anything (maybe they don't run Slackware any more, maybe Real Life got
in the way, etc), and give their builds to active maintainers.

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