[Slackbuilds-users] composer md5sum error

Fernando Lopez fernando.lopezjr at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 18:30:11 UTC 2020


Processing composer

Found composer.phar in /var/cache/sbopkg.
Checking MD5SUM:
  MD5SUM check for composer.phar ... FAILED!
    Expected: 01bd034c495417327127f093b90e24e2
    Found:    3756c596b9359c9b1be51b0d4c07ab19

Do you want to use the downloaded composer source:
composer.phar in /var/cache/sbopkg?

You can choose among the following options:
 - (Y)es, keep the source and continue the build process;
 - (N)o, delete the source and abort the build process;
 - (R)etry download and continue the build process; or
 - (A)ttempt to download from third party source repository.

    Fernando Lopez Jr.
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