[Slackbuilds-users] geoclue2: wants optional dependencies [FIXED]

B Watson yalhcru at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 07:28:36 UTC 2021

On 2/17/21, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> The one that's been here since 2017 was modified in 2018 to include the
> missing lines. I assumed that if the source tarballs were the same version
> the build scripts would also be the same. That's been the case with other
> packages but now we know, not with geoclue2.

*Please* try to avoid doing this. Before you send a mail to the list
asking for help with a problem, make sure the problem hasn't already
been fixed in the repo. We can't guess if you're using outdated stuff
from 3 years ago, so we collectively wasted however many man-hours
trying to help you with a non-problem.

SlackBuild scripts can and do change, in between version updates. Any
time the script itself has an issue, it (hopefully) gets fixed,
whether or not the upstream project has made a new release. In this
case, the SlackBuild maintainer decided to make avahi optional...

You might want to use git to track changes to the repo. Clone it, then
every week (or every time you see an 'Updates' email on the list),
do a 'git pull' to update your copy. Or if you don't want to use git,
look into using rsync.

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