[Slackbuilds-users] SU2 up for grabs

J. Milgram milgram at cgpp.com
Thu Dec 29 15:14:57 UTC 2022

Anyone like to take over SU2?

The current slackbuild for SU2 is for SU2 6.2.0. The package builds fine 
on my Slack 15.0 64-bit system but:

1. I just noticed an admin note in the Slackbuild that it fails to build 
on a 32-bit system. (I didn't get that memo.)

2. In any event SU2 is now 7.5.0, which so far I haven't succeeded in 
building at all.

#2 seems like the thing to focus on - might make #1 OBE

Unfortunately I'm not able to pursue these issues at the moment and 
figure best to put the package up for adoption. Anyone interested? I'll 
be happy to bring you up to date on what's going on with the 7.5.0 build.



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