[Slackbuilds-users] giving up angband, mathics, stone_soup

dchmelik at gmail.com dchmelik at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 11:00:16 UTC 2022

I'll be giving up angband, mathics, stone_soup: if anyone wants them, 
they can have them.  If no one does, I'll try to maintain angband, 
stone_soup until someone does, but I'm unsure I can handle mathics 
anymore.  Five years ago it's now installable with pip but installing it 
with python setuptools seems like a mess.  Mathics is a subset of the 
most popular college mathematics software, Wolfram Mathematica, so could 
be important to keep available (they're tracking which operating systems 
have packages).  Angband and Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup changed too much, 
and I'd rather see a retro-angband (incidentally about where Marshall 
Scott dropped angband and I took it, and now I see why he did) or 
retro-stone_soup or alternative like stoat_soup that doesn't remove so 
much.  I mentioned this all in recent years but maybe without phrase 
'giving up' in subject line.

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