[Slackbuilds-users] New libsvm.SlackBuild Questions

Erich Ritz erich.public at protonmail.com
Tue Sep 13 15:54:42 UTC 2022

------- Original Message -------
On Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 at 10:09 AM, Konrad J Hambrick <kjhambrick at gmail.com> wrote:

> All --
> I have libsvm.SlackBuild about ready to submit but I've got some questions first.
> LIBSVM's HOME is https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/ and it comes with a Makefile but there is no install target so I manually install the files into 'the usual' subdirectories under /tmp/SBo/package-libsvm/
> Is that OK ?

Yes.  I have to do the same thing in one of my SlackBuilds:

There is no "install" target so I copy everything manually into $PKG.

> In addition there is a python3 PlugIn and optional PlugIns java and matlab.
> I've added Runtime Variables to control building the optionals PlugIns.
> I don't have matlab so I am not sure where the files should 'land' in the SlackBuild.
> Does anybody know where matlab PlugIns should be installed ?

I would suggest somewhere sensible that the user would have to manually add to the Matlab path.  If you're utilizing /opt then obviously a subdirectory there.  From browsing the FHS (https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_3.0/fhs/index.html) /usr/libexec/$PRGNAM would make the most sense to me, because from the point of view of Matlab, they are executable files.

Matlab by default adds $HOME/Documents/MATLAB to the Matlab path, but you can't install anything to $HOME in a package.

However, if the user needs read/write permission to the plugin directory, then I would argue for /usr/share/$PRGNAM and instruct the user to copy the files to their home directory before using.  Because in that case, the files belonging to the package are more similar to just data.

> The matlab Plugin can be compiled for Octave with a make.m script.
> Does anybody know where Octave PlugIns should be installed ?

I would argue same as Matlab.

> Thanks
> -- kjh


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