[Slackbuilds-users] new webkit2gtk{4.1}

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo willysr at slackbuilds.org
Sun Sep 17 04:33:01 UTC 2023

Hi all,

i pushed a new version of webkit2gtk and webkit2gtk4.1 in a separate 
branch because this is a major release and i don't want to push things 
before making sure every scripts that depends on it built on this new 

it's on my webkit2gtk branch 
(https://git.slackbuilds.org/slackbuilds/log/?h=webkit2gtk) and here are 
the scripts that depends on both scripts:

├ badwolf
├ birdfont
├ bottles
├ devhelp
├ eclipse-platform
├ gnome-boxes
├ gnome-builder
├ gnome-online-accounts
├ gnucash
├ gui-ufw
├ liferea
├ luakit
├ lutris
├ midori
├ nyxt
├ opencpn
├ pdfpc
├ poedit
├ pytrainer
├ shotwell
├ surf
├ sushi
├ vimb
├ wxHexEditor
├ wxPython4
└ yelp

└ epiphany

if you are the maintainer, please help test with newer version of 
webkit2gtk and webkit2gtk4.1


Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
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