[Slackbuilds-users] msgpack-c-c in pending approved need a fix, please remove

Giancarlo Dessì slack at giand.it
Wed Apr 17 18:37:29 UTC 2024

Sorry for the request, but Ivan Kovmir has just now reported an issue 
with this package.

The download URL currently included in info does not work at the same 
mode using different clients:

1) a web browser save the source with the archive 

2) wget save the same download with the archive msgpack-c-$VERSION.tar.gz

This affects the slackbuild script because it fails depending on the 
client used for dowload the source tarball. I usually use the web browser.

I found the following URL works fine using bot clients: 

but I have to fix also the slackbuild script, since it is based on a 
different path of the tarball (msgpack-c-c and not msgpack-c).

So, if you remove the update from the approved list I can submit a new 
tarball including the fix for info and script files


Giancarlo Dessì

Slackware Linux... because it works!

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