[Slackbuilds-users] Call for Help

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo willysr at slackbuilds.org
Fri Apr 26 03:40:21 UTC 2024

>> what is the significance of the "raw" lists as opposed to "WIP: 
>> Overview"?
>> I see graphics/Blender in "raw list i585" but it builds fine here in a
>> clean up to date VM.
> Sorry, it wasn't quite clean - earlier 32bit patch is not needed and I'd 
> already removed it so build succeeded.
> The question still is about difference between raw lists and WIP overview.

The RAW list are those who hasn't been triaged, so it's just a list of 
failing scripts, without being inspected further.
They could be false alarm as mentioned on my original email.

There are also some occasion where the CI can't properly test the script 
because of some special requirements, such as installing packages from 
slackware's extra (ispc need newer llvm) or can't be installed on a 
container (qt6ctl can't properly detect qt6 due to conditional situation 
in the code). There's no hint available for such cases, so manual 
inspection need to be done (i approved ispc after testing them manually 
on a clean VM outside github CI engine)

Maybe Andrew can give more detail explanation about this

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

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