[Slackbuilds-users] Rust program packaging woes

Eugen Wissner belka at caraus.de
Fri Dec 27 10:34:34 UTC 2024

On Mon Dec 23, 2024 at 9:07 AM CET, B. Watson wrote:

> > I also forgot to ask, do I need to provide a license for my helper script in 
> > the same way we do for SlackBuilds?
> "Need" is a strong word. But I recommend it, yes. Pretty much anything
> that gets publicly released should have some kind of license, because
> (so I am told) some countries have weird copyright law. If something
> doesnt have a license, there's a default one, that might not be what
> you'd want.
> I'm paraphrasing the memory of a conversation from a while back,
> so I might have got it wrong. But whoever told me that I think is
> still on this mailing list, and will hopefully step in and explain it
> correctly. It's the reason SBo doesn't allow "public domain" as the
> license, also (not valid in all countries).

Yes, for example here, in Germany.

On one side there is a law of a country, on the other licenses,
contracts, agreements and what not. The law is the thing that matters
(in theory), if a license or a contract contradicts the law, the law
always has precedence.

A work (e.g. program, script) of someone is automatically protected by
the copyright law in Germany, so there should be a license that
explains how the work of a another person may be used. And as far as I
know, there is no such thing as giving away the rights of the author
to somebody, therefore the public license is problematic (as it may
contradict the copyright law).

Just my understanding of the local legal situation regarding software.

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