[Slackbuilds-users] Maybe Taking Over Some Packages

lumin at etherlight.link lumin at etherlight.link
Sat Sep 14 19:44:53 UTC 2024

Hello friends,

I'm interested in taking over the
following packages:

    Maintainer mail server timing out,
    package behind many versions.

    Maintainer was contacted, they said they
    haven't been active on SBo for a while,
    and that someone should take feh over.

    There was discussion about it being
    vulnerable and unmaintained, seems
    urchlay updated it, but I can help
    with this one if he wants.

A few questions on the responsibility
of a maintainer:

1. Is there any comprehensive guide on that?
   A link to said guide would be appreciated.
2. What platforms should I test for?  Is a
   clean chroot or VM of x64 stable enough
   for now? or should I test on x86, arm,
   -current combinations?  Personally I
   currently only use stable x64 15.0.

3. feh and optipng are relatively simple to
   test, and I use them frequently, but with
   busybox there is a huge number of things
   to test; personally I only use a subset
   in some scripts.  Any solutions for this
   problem?  (e.g. a way for multiple test
   users to try it out before publishing it
   to SBo proper).

4. If my request to take over the packages is
   granted, do I wait until next upstream
   update?  Or do I push an update to change
   the maintainer immediately?

5. If I don't want to use GitHub or GitLab,
   what other options do I have?  Can I send
   git patch emails somewhere?  Or is the web
   submission form the only alternative?

Thank you all for your work on SlackBuilds.

Best Regards
Lumin Etherlight

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