Hello,<br>I'm new in this list, so I'm not informed about your traditions and style.<br>Now I'm working on vlc compilation for slackware.<br>I can contribute all my work in this area, but I'm interesting from some
<br>points. Initially I started with simple config<br> ./configure --enable-release --prefix=/usr/local --enable-wxwindows \<br> --enable-debug --enable-v4l --enable-shared --enable-shared-pp \<br> --enable-pp --enable-gpl
<br>but I noticed that it is not suitable for me. <br>Looking around, i found a debian's config. I suppose that most of you prefer<br>to make own config, not to get it from debian or other distros, but this is<br>a good work for me. Currently I'm trying to work with slightly modified
<br>debians config, and I'm ready to share my considerations for these changes.<br><br>And here you can read my questions:<br><br>Q1. What should I do to make this slackbuild, when it requires some deps,<br>some of them are current cvs version :( - example - libmpeg2, ffmpeg? What
<br>should I do if the number of deps are 4-5 or more?<br><br>Q2. What should I do to make this slackbuild compatible with <br>"non-totalitarian countries" and "totalitarian countries" due to patent<br>
problems?<br><br>Q3. Is it preferred to split vlc package into some smaller packages or one?<br>for example: vlc and mozilla-plugin-vlc and etc.<br>or more: libvlc, vlc, vlc-doc, vlc-howto, mozilla-plugin-vlx and etc.<br>
<br>Q4. What should I do if compilation requires some header files only from <br>other package or lib, but this header files are not required for normal<br>working with compiled tool (Need only for compilation)?<br><br>I'll note you, that I didn't read all documents, describing how to make a
<br>slackbuild package, so I prefer to read them instead of loosing your time.<br><br>Thats for now.<br><br>Thank you in advance<br>Petar Petkoff<br><br>