I was suggesting that it should be an option in the SlackBuild script so that, if selected, the user can easily have the KDE-openbox and/or GNOME-openbox option in xwmconfig and XDM/KDM/GDM. So, for instance, if someone using the slackBuild wanted the xinitrc script for GNOME, but not for KDE, then they could execute<br><br>GXINIT=yes KXINIT=no ./openbox.SlackBuild<br><br>or just modify the slackBuild accordingly. By default, I think the option for the GNOME-openbox .xinitrc should be disabled and the KDE-openbox .xinitrc should be enabled since GNOME is not on stock Slackware but KDE is.<br><br>If someone thinks this will give them too many options then they can easily disable it, but I think a lot of Slackware users who use KDE or GNOME may only want Openbox to replace their DE's window manager. Plus, the openbox online documentation talks about running openbox within KDE from KDM, and I think the slackBuild would be nicer if it could set that
up.<br><br>--phil<br><br><b><i>Chess Griffin <chess@chessgriffin.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:57:04 -0700 (PDT)<br>Phillip Warner <pc_warner@yahoo.com> wrote:<br><br>> The xinitrc.openbox file included with the SlackBuild should be<br>> modified at the end so that it says: exec openbox-session<br>> <br>> instead of:<br>> exec openbox<br>> <br>> With the way it is, the autostart.sh file is not executed when<br>> starting openbox. This is important for setting up a stand alone<br>> openbox session. The file's output is slightly noisy out of the box,<br>> however, as it does not redirect stderror and it checks for some<br>> things that slackware does not have out of the box. If this bothers<br>> people sed can fix that easily. This doesn't affect any<br>> functionality.<br>> <br>> Also, since
openbox includes scripts for starting KDE or GNOME<br>> sessions with openbox as the windows manager, it would be nice to<br>> have some xinitrc files for them as well. I propose that there be an<br>> option to include each of their respective xinitrc scripts. They<br>> could be called xinitrc.kde-openbox and xinitrc.gnome-openbox, and<br>> the kde one could be included by default. The files would be the<br>> same as the xinitrc.openbox file with the exception of the last line:<br>> <br>> exec openbox-kde-session<br>> - or -<br>> exec openbox-gnome-session<br>> <br>> I do not have GNOME, so I did not test the proposed xinitrc file for<br>> it. However, I did test xinitrc.kde-openbox in both runlevels 3 and<br>> 4 and everything ran well.<br>> <br>> Having these xinitrc scripts will make it easier for the user to<br>> select them as their default session (with xwmconfig), and it will<br>> make it so the sessions are
an option in KDM/GDM/XDM.<br>> <br>> With these changes I think the openbox slackBuild would be improved<br>> and the resultant behavior would be more in line with the<br>> expectations based on the openbox documentation:<br>> http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Help:Getting_started#Using_Openbox_without_a_desktop_environment_.28The_lightweight_approach.29<br>> <br>> --phil<br>> <br><br>Without having looked into this yet, I am inclined to agree with you on<br>the first point. As to the second point, it seems that maybe this is<br>more of a user-configurable option and not actually necessary for the<br>stand-alone usage of Openbox? Couldn't the user do what you say<br>manually instead of crowding xwmconfig with a bunch of Openbox<br>choices? Or by option do you mean an option that can be enabled in the<br>SlackBuild? I don't use Openbox within KDE or GNOME so maybe I'm<br>missing something. In any event, I'm just throwing out some
thoughts.<br><br><br>-- <br>Chess Griffin<br>GPG Public Key: 0x0C7558C3<br>http://www.chessgriffin.com<br></pc_warner@yahoo.com></blockquote><br><p> 
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