<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><pc_warner@yahoo.com><http: lists.slackbuilds.org="" pipermail="" slackbuilds-users="" attachments="" 20080323="" 3ed7bcdd="" attachment-0001.htm=""><http: lists.slackbuilds.org="" pipermail="" slackbuilds-users="" attachments="" 20080323="" 3ed7bcdd="" attachment-0001.obj=""><chess@chessgriffin.com><pc_warner@yahoo.com><pc_warner@yahoo.com><http: lists.slackbuilds.org="" pipermail="" slackbuilds-users="" attachments="" 20080323="" f7b6f62f="" attachment-0001.asc=""><chess@chessgriffin.com><http: lists.slackbuilds.org="" pipermail="" slackbuilds-users="" attachments="" 20080324="" d486667b="" attachment-0001.asc=""><boblounsbury@gmail.com><slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org><c7aebbcd0803240820q59a6354cqf91b6d41437044ef@mail.gmail.com><chess@chessgriffin.com><rworkman@slackbuilds.org><slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:00:05 -0400<br>From:
Chess Griffin <chess@chessgriffin.com><br>Subject: Re: [Slackbuilds-users] for testing - 'sbopkg' tool<br>To: "SlackBuilds.org Users List" <slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org><br>Message-ID: <47E7D005.10603@chessgriffin.com><br>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"<br><br>Robby Workman wrote:<br>> Bob Lounsbury wrote:<br>>><br>>> Very interesting. I like the idea and have a question. Is there any<br>>> way to make local changes to the SlackBuild script and then build the<br>>> package with your sbopkg tool? I'm assuming that rsync creates local<br>>> copies of SlackBuilds.org. I'm only asking because I also use<br>>> Slacintosh and I have modified several SlackBuild scripts to compile<br>>> successfully on powerpc. I guess this question could also relate to<br>>> changing the SlackBuild script locally for any other reason also, not<br>>> just for powerpc stuff.<br>> <br>> <br>>
<br>> Hmm... good question.<br>> <br>> Now, I'm not going to be one of those who throws feature requests out<br>> for SOMEONE ELSE to implement, but perhaps something to use $EDITOR<br>> or $VISUAL from the environment would be trivial to implement... :)<br>> <br>> -RW<br><br>Bob -- yes, good point. Since this script displays the files in your <br>local mirror, any manual changes you have made would be there, but as <br>far as editing the files from within sbopkg, that's not there yet, <br>although it's a great idea. I like Robby's idea of using $EDITOR to <br>edit the SlackBuild from within sbopkg and that should be easy to do.<br><br>I'll add it to the TODO.<br><br>-- <br>Chess Griffin<br>GPG Key: 0x0C7558C3<br>http://www.chessgriffin.com<br><br>-------------- next part --------------<br>A non-text attachment was scrubbed...<br>Name: signature.asc<br>Type: application/pgp-signature<br>Size: 250 bytes<br>Desc: OpenPGP digital signature<br>URL:
<http: lists.slackbuilds.org="" pipermail="" slackbuilds-users="" attachments="" 20080324="" bb449357="" attachment.asc=""><br><br></http:></slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org></chess@chessgriffin.com></slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org></rworkman@slackbuilds.org></chess@chessgriffin.com></c7aebbcd0803240820q59a6354cqf91b6d41437044ef@mail.gmail.com></slackbuilds-users@slackbuilds.org></boblounsbury@gmail.com></http:></chess@chessgriffin.com></http:></pc_warner@yahoo.com></pc_warner@yahoo.com></chess@chessgriffin.com></http:></http:></pc_warner@yahoo.com></blockquote>You might want to consider adding a feature where you can have certain vars in the SlackBuilds automatically changed after a new script is downloaded. You could use something like sed to change the defaults for vars like<br>ARCH<br>TAG<br>OUTPUT<br>and maybe even some common vars like OPENGL (YES/NO?).<br>Using something like this, your tool will be much more powerful. You just need to be sure you
have strict rules for sed so you aren't, for instance, changing a noarch program into one for powerpc, etc.<br><br>I still think manually editing the scripts is important. The above feature just might save some time.<br><br>For the downloads: I recommend putting them all in one directory and just symlinking to the program archive from the slackBuild folder.<br><br>--phil<br><p> 
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