I didn't see anything about this, and it took me a bit to figure out so I thought I'd send a mail to the list to let you know about a slight problem, that I had at least, with the package created from the mplayer slackbuild from <a href="http://slackbuilds.org">slackbuilds.org</a>.<br>
<br>When I'd try to run devede (also packaged from slackbuilds) it would run just fine, up until I tried to add a video file to the list (any video). The videos played just fine in smplayer/mplayer and checking output from devede showed that they just weren't being recognized as a video file. I sent a few mails to the devede developer and we talked back and forth a few times trying to figure it out, but all the problem ended up being was one of the configure options: --enable-color-console. It was adding extra output that made devede unable to parse the identification info properly is all. Removing that option from the build script got everything working fine again :)<br>
<br>I understand that it's not really a problem with mplayer, and I mailed the devede devel again this morning to let them know what the problem on my end was. I'm not sure what they're planning on doing about it (adding support for the extra output or recommending folks to not use that option in their mplayer build) but I thought it would be nice to let other slackers using these apps about a potential problem. Anyway that's about it :)<br>