I am the creator of the libiptc and the miniupnpd slackbuilds. (First appeared in 12.2 repositories)<br><br>I just wanted to say that I am working on the update for the 13.0 repositories and I would be really happy if someone here is interested in testing/using it because I have a 12.2->13.0 upgraded slackware installation and it would be prudent to test it in a 13.0 fresh install of slackware before publishing it.<br>
<br>If you can read spanish you can read the "slackware multipropose home server how to" that I write and which pushed me to create the libiptc and miniupnpd slackbuilds. <a href="http://wiki.buenosaireslibre.org/HowToProApSlackware">http://wiki.buenosaireslibre.org/HowToProApSlackware</a> I'm thinking in translating it to english...<br>
<br>Thanks you all,<br><br>BucanerO<br>