Hello everybody.<br><br>Some time ago I started building a comprehensive queue archive that would allow me to build packages without having to go through all their dependencies. Because I know we want to have control over dependencies, but sometimes populating the queue is nothing more than a hassle.<br>
<br>I'm pleased to announce that the queue archive I built up is now available as a git repository at<br> <a href="http://gitorious.org/sbopkg-slackware-queues" target="_blank">http://gitorious.org/sbopkg-slackware-queues</a><br>
It contains a queue for each of the scripts available on SlackBuilds.org for Slackware 13.0 [1], plus a tools/ directory with the simple command line tools I developed to make it easier to track updates.<br>
<br>To try the repository, first off you have to clone it using either<br> git clone git://<a href="http://gitorious.org/sbopkg-slackware-queues/sbopkg-slackware-queues.git">gitorious.org/sbopkg-slackware-queues/sbopkg-slackware-queues.git</a><br>
or<br> git clone <a href="http://git.gitorious.org/sbopkg-slackware-queues/sbopkg-slackware-queues.git">http://git.gitorious.org/sbopkg-slackware-queues/sbopkg-slackware-queues.git</a><br>(whichever works better for you), which creates a new directory named "sbopkg-slackware-queues". Then<br>
export QUEUEDIR=/path/to/repository<br>and start sbopkg [2].<br><br>Once this is all set up, you should be able to build and install any package by issuing something like<br> sbopkg -R -k -i foo.sqf <br>(where "foo" is the package name, of course). Missing dependencies should be built and installed in the correct order [3].<br>
<br>Updates can be fetched issuing the command<br> git pull origin<br>from the repository directory.<br><br>Since I use only a small fraction of all those packages, there are most probably errors or badly chosen optional dependencies here and there. I'll really appreciate hints and bug reports from anybody willing to contribute.<br>
Maintainers may also want to have a look at the queues for their own packages, since some contain notes about issues found while working on this. You can also see them all with<br> grep -i '# Note' *.sqf<br><br>
I'm looking forward to hear your comments and suggestions.<br>
<br>With best regards<br>--<br>Mauro Giachero<br><br>[1] As you may easily guess, this work is not endorsed by neither Slackware, SlackBuilds.org or Sbopkg.<br>[2] You can make the QUEUEDIR export permanent by editing /etc/sbopkg/sbopkg.conf.<br>
[3] "should" is a keyword here -- you're encouraged to review the list of the packages that are going to be built/installed before starting the process. This repository is not a way to turn sbopkg into apt ;-)<br>