<p dir="ltr"><br>
>I notice there are two similar packages on SBo: nodejs and node.<br>
What's the difference between them besides the version number and npm<br>
completion scripts?<br></p>
<p dir="ltr">Below is the explanation I sent to the SBo admin list upon submitting 'nodejs':<br></p>
<p dir="ltr">I will do my best to explain the mess created here by upstream.</p>
<p dir="ltr">node was first. Unfortunately it was governed by the company Joyent, who suppressed the developers from keeping development at the pace they wanted. For this reason the developers forked node in to iojs. It worked out well and the developers won governance. Hence the projects were combined, and 'nodejs' was born. nodejs is based off of iojs. Hence there were major advancements between the version of node we have on SBo (0.12.7) and the current version of nodejs (v4.2.2, based off of iojs).</p>
<p dir="ltr">The important thing here is that these are SIGNIFICANT BREAKING CHANGES. I imagine 0.12.7 will have to stay around for a while until everyone catches up (could take a significant amount of time if history is any indicator).</p>
<p dir="ltr">For this reason we should probably have both on SBo, I am open to changes in the naming convention if that would help.<br><br><br></p>
<p dir="ltr">--<br>
[<a href="http://ryanpcmcquen.org">ryanpcmcquen.org</a>]</p>