<p>Hello,<br></p><p></p><div>All of the SlackBuilds that required to have a user and group they
implement a restriction that prevents the script to continue if the user
or group is missing.<br></div><div> I searched the FAQ and the wiki but I was unavailable to find anything related about this.<br></div><p></p><p></p><div>For example from the avahi readme: "First, be sure you have an
"avahi" user and group. Do this *before* you install the avahi
package."<br></div><div> So that means that we can run the SlackBuild without a user and group
and then before we install the package we can add the user and group.<br></div><div> But the SlackBuild will fail without user/group...<br></div><div><br></div><div>This prevents one to build the package in a different machine
(without to worry about users and groups) and then transfer the package
and install it to the preferred machine.<br></div><div>Also any custom script or tool for building packages it would fail without to modified the SlackBuild first and remove the user and group restriction.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Regards Marcelo</div><div><br></div><p></p><div><br></div>